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Configure Webhook Notifications

A webhook is a way for an app to send notifications triggered by specific events. It delivers information to other applications in real time, allowing users to receive notifications immediately.

This tutorial describes how to configure a webhook server to receive platform notifications.


You need to prepare a user granted the platform-admin role. For more information, see Create Workspaces, Projects, Users and Roles.

Configure the Webhook Server

  1. Log in to the KubeSphere web console as the platform-admin user.

  2. Click Platform in the upper-left corner and select Platform Settings.

  3. In the left nevigation pane, click Notification Configuration under Notification Management, and select Webhook.

  4. On the Webhook tab page, set the following parameters:

    • Webhook URL: URL of the webhook server.

    • Verification Type: Webhook authentication method.

      • No authentication: Skips authentication. All notifications can be sent to the URL.
      • Bearer token: Uses a token for authentication.
      • Basic authentication: Uses a username and password for authentication.


    Currently, KubeSphere does not suppot TLS connections (HTTPS). You need to select Skip TLS verification (insecure) if you use an HTTPS URL.
  5. Select the checkbox on the left of Notification Conditions to set notification conditions.

    • Label: Name, severity, or monitoring target of an alerting policy. You can select a label or customize a label.
    • Operator: Mapping between the label and the values. The operator includes Includes values, Does not include values, Exists, and Does not exist.
    • Values: Values associated with the label.


      • Operators Includes values and Does not include values require one or more label values. Use a carriage return to separate values.
      • Operators Exists and Does not exist determine whether a label exists, and do not require a label value.
  6. You can click Add to add notification conditions, or click icon on the right of a notification condition to delete the condition.

  7. After the configurations are complete, you can click Send Test Message for verification.

  8. On the upper-right corner, you can turn on the Disabled toggle to enbale notifications, or turn off the Enabled toggle to diable them.

  9. Click OK after you finish.


    • After the notification conditions are set, the recepients will receive only notifications that meet the conditions.
    • If you change the existing configuration, you must click OK to apply it.

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